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The Lynchburg Warehouse’s 40th Anniversary Open House (originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 26) has been postponed. Keep an eye on our events page for updates. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone at a later date!

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A Letter to Food Bank Supporters


Dear friend:

As a key partner in the Food Bank’s work, I wanted you to be among the first to know that I have notified our Board of Directors of my intention to retire as CEO, effective June 30 (the end of our fiscal year).

For 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of serving the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, first in planning and development, and for the last 12 years as CEO. My experience here has been far and away the most rewarding and enjoyable of my career. It is time, though, for me to step aside and for a new leader to steer the Food Bank into the future.

I have much to be grateful for. Together with deeply committed and highly skilled colleagues and the generous support of friends like you, I have had the privilege of working to grow and strengthen the Food Bank and to improve the well-being of our neighbors and communities. There is still more to do, but I have a deep sense of satisfaction with our collective accomplishments, and complete confidence that the Food Bank will only become more successful and impactful in the years to come.

The closing of a chapter in life is always a time of reflection, and the start of a new one, a time of anticipation. And in the folding of one into another there is a swirl of satisfaction, excitement, and a little apprehension. All that is true for me in a transition made bittersweet by the friendships I’ve made and the inspiration I have found at the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.

Thank you for your support and for the trust and confidence you place in our team, and for the foundation you helped build and maintain that benefits this great institution and our community.

Sincerely and gratefully,

Michael McKee
Chief Executive Officer