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The Lynchburg Warehouse’s 40th Anniversary Open House (originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 26) has been postponed. Keep an eye on our events page for updates. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone at a later date!

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Bequests and Wills

We are truly grateful to the foresighted donors who include charitable bequests for the Food Bank in their will or trust.

Recognizing that this is the last philanthropic act of an individual who believes deeply in the hunger relief cause, we are committed to stewarding your valuable gift in the manner you intend.

If you want your bequest to be used for a specific program or purpose, it is wise to discuss your goals and our needs when you write or update your will. 

An unrestricted bequest is of special value because of the freedom it gives the Board of Directors to use your gift wherever and however most needed by the Food Bank at the time. If your bequest is unrestricted, here’s how our bequest policy works today:

  • Gifts under $25,000 will be applied to the Food Bank’s current needs and used immediately as we work to provide nourishing food to neighbors who are struggling to afford groceries.
  • Ten percent of gifts of $25,000 or more will be applied to the Food Bank’s current needs and used immediately as we work to provide nourishing food to neighbors who are struggling to afford groceries. Ninety (90) percent of the total will be invested in the Food Bank’s quasi-endowment. Each year, the Board of Directors allocates some endowment income for a specific purpose in the Food Bank’s operating budget, especially a need that will be broad in impact and that will benefit clients across our service area. (An example may be the purchase of food.) Our long-term goal is to balance our need for income to support current operations, with the potential for growth in the endowment.

Here are some common bequest options you can use:

  • Specific bequest: Determine a percentage of your total assets or a specific dollar amount or asset that you wish to leave to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.
  • Residual bequest: After you have provided for your loved ones, name the “Blue Ridge Area Food Bank” to receive a percentage or all of your residuary estate.
  • Contingent bequest: Blue Ridge Area Food Bank receives a bequest only in the event of the death of other beneficiaries.

Contact Karen Ratzlaff at (540) 213-8404 to have a private conversation and to obtain a copy of the specific language you can use for one of these bequest options.

Join The Will to End Hunger Society and let us know if you include a bequest for the Food Bank in your will or trust. Download the Statement of Gift Intention Form and return it to us.

Planned Gifts

Review all legacy gift options.