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The Lynchburg Warehouse’s 40th Anniversary Open House (originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 26) has been postponed. Keep an eye on our events page for updates. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone at a later date!

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The Farm Fresh Fund

The intertwined roots of hunger and health run deep. When families struggle financially to make ends meet, it limits their food choices and ultimately affects their health. We know that access to good nutrition can improve health, and we want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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Rooted in Health

Fruits and vegetables: building blocks for better health

Healthy bodies and minds require nutritious meals at every age:

  • Children: Fresh foods nourish growth, learning, and development.
  • Adults: Wholesome meals fuel healthier workers and help parents provide nourishment for their families.
  • Seniors: Food is medicine, essential to managing illness, promoting longevity, and maintaining wellness.

Thanks to the Farm Fresh Fund we acquire millions of pounds of fresh produce, with an emphasis on Virginia-grown produce, and provide it free to our network of pantry and program partners to distribute in their communities.

Help build a healthier tomorrow

Join us and ensure a healthier tomorrow for families in the Blue Ridge by making a gift to the Farm Fresh Fund (please note in the comment box that you would like your donation to go toward the Farm Fresh Fund).

With your help, we will continue to source wholesome fruits and vegetables from growers locally, throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, and nationally.

For more information, please call (540) 248-3663 or email

Thank you to our sponsors (2024):

  • Augusta Health Community Benefit Program
  • Navigate Housing Partners