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The Lynchburg Warehouse’s 40th Anniversary Open House (originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 26) has been postponed. Keep an eye on our events page for updates. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone at a later date!

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Get Involved as an Advocate

We can end hunger when we raise our voices together.

As demand for food assistance continues to grow, you can help make sure everyone has enough to eat.

You are not alone in this desire to end hunger. 

A new poll released by Feeding America shows nearly 70% of likely voters in the United States want the government to do more to address food insecurity.

The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank is committed to providing nourishing food that supports health and well-being. Last year, we distributed 27 million pounds of food through a network of more than 400 community partners and program sites. 

But our work doesn’t stop there. As leaders in a dynamic food assistance network, we know community members need more support and your help. That’s why, to address hunger and its root causes, we are advocating for public policies that support food security.

Read Our Public Policy Priorities

Tell Congress to Pass a Strong Farm Bill.

Help Save School Meals

Become an Advocate

Hunger impacts an entire community, and it takes all of us working together to address it.

— Michael McKee, CEO

How can you help?

Government nutrition programs should ensure that children, seniors, and families living with hunger have nutritious food to lead healthy, active lives.  We can make the most impactful change if we lift our voices together. Here are some ways that you can take action today:

Raise Your Voice

Tell Congress to pass a strong farm bill!

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Dive Deeper

Read Our Blog, “Chew on This”

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Read our Public Policy Priorities

Learn about Our Public Policy Priorities and impactful programs in the farm bill like, TEFAP, SNAP, and CSFP

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Urge Congress to Act

You can send a message to your elected official to encourage them to vote for a strong farm bill.

Send a message
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank urges supporters to tell lawmakers to pass a strong farm bill that doubles TEFAP funding and increases other forms of support to food banks.
Feeding America explains what the farm bill is and why it’s an important part of addressing food insecurity in the United States.