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The Lynchburg Warehouse’s 40th Anniversary Open House (originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 26) has been postponed. Keep an eye on our events page for updates. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone at a later date!

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Join the

Supper Club

The Supper Club is a special group of monthly donors who sustain our work throughout the year. As a Supper Club member, your ongoing support helps us work more efficiently, budget smarter, and dedicate our resources where they are needed the most: making sure everyone has enough to eat.

Thanks to the faithful support of monthly donors, the Food Bank can rely on a steady stream of income to purchase, move, and distribute food to our neighbors experiencing hunger.

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Maximize your impact when you join The Supper Club!

The impact you can make is substantial – Every $1 contributed helps us provide more than 3 meals, and setting up monthly gifts is an efficient way to give.

It’s easy on your budget – Many people find it easier to budget their Food Bank gift in equal installments throughout the year.

It’s convenient for you and reliable for us – Set up your donation and let it run! You retain control and can adjust or stop at any time. And since monthly giving provides a consistent source of funding, we can better plan to help meet the highs and lows of guest demand throughout the year.

How To Join the Supper Club

The easiest way to join The Supper Club is online by setting up an automatic, monthly credit card donation.

You can also automate monthly electronic fund transfers (EFT) or you can ask your bank to send us a check every month with bank bill pay. For either option, print and complete the Supper Club enrollment form and mail it back to us.

For questions about or to adjust your monthly donation, please email or call 540-213-8406.

Supper Club Enrollment Form