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Senior Nutrition Programs

Helping seniors gain access to healthy and nutritious foods

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In addition to its pantry network, the Food Bank distributes food to seniors through two nutrition outreach programs: Reach and Senior Food Boxes.


This program provides nutrition to seniors with low incomes, individuals who are homebound, and people with special needs, all of whom are at risk of food insecurity. For individuals who are homebound, partner-volunteers deliver food boxes filled with shelf-stable goods, including dairy and meats. There is no minimum income requirement to receive food through Reach. To ask about participation in the Reach Program, email us at

Senior Food Boxes 

The boxes contain food obtained from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), the USDA’s only program that targets seniors with low incomes. Food items are carefully chosen by the USDA and packaged by volunteers at the Food Bank to meet the nutritional needs of qualified participants. Nutrition education and recipes are often distributed with the food.

Seniors age 60 and over with incomes at or below 130% of the 2024 federal poverty guidelines can sign up to receive Senior Food Boxes through CSFP. See if you qualify by clicking here.

For additional information about CSFP, visit this site.

Volunteers make sure we can deliver healthy nutrition to our senior neighbors. Join us!


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