Save School Meals
March 5, 2025
Our elected officials need to hear from their constituents, the people they serve, on important issues that affect us.
The House Budget Committee Chairman has proposed cutting $12 billion from school breakfast and lunch programs by raising the eligibility threshold for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) from 25% to 60% Identified Student Percentage (ISP). If implemented, 24,000+ schools serving more than 12 million children would lose CEP eligibility; this could impact more than 451,000 children in Virginia.
The proposal requires families qualifying for free and reduced-price meals at non-CEP schools to show proof of household income when applying. This additional step could complicate the process for families and schools, potentially leading to some eligible children missing meals.
Contact your Congress members to protect school meals and oppose funding cuts that limit access to these vital programs. See information below.