February 14, 2025.
Our elected officials need to hear from their constituents, the people they serve, on important issues that affect us.
Congress is advancing budget proposals that could force deep cuts to federal nutrition programs.
- Senate: Last Friday, the Senate Budget Committee released a draft budget resolution that directs several other congressional committees to find budget savings. This includes directing the Senate Agriculture Committee to find at least $1 billion in savings, potentially by cutting nutrition programs. A second budget reconciliation bill, focused on taxes and expected soon, could require further Senate Agriculture Committee program cuts.
- House: The House Budget Committee is drafting its own budget resolution and budget reconciliation plan to be shared any day, likely instructing the House Agriculture Committee to find billions in savings, further threatening nutrition programs.
If these proposals move forward, they could jeopardize food security and the agricultural economy, and risk further delay in passage of a bipartisan farm bill.
They are putting this plan together now and may have something in the next few weeks. If you believe that SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly food stamps) is vital to helping keep food on the table for millions in the U.S.—including more than 700,000 Virginians—it’s critical that your representatives know that you are against cuts to SNAP.
In addition to cutting benefits that help families and local economies, SNAP could become more complex, leading to higher costs for the government and more burdens for both participants and agency staff. Any cuts would take food off the table for families.
SNAP provides nine meals for every one meal that the charitable food network provides. Therefore, a cut in SNAP benefits has the potential for exponential increases in demand on the charitable food system.
Here’s how you can help protect SNAP, and our neighbors experiencing food insecurity
- Dial 202-224-3121.
- If you do not know the name of your Congress Member, say, “I’m not sure.”
- Say, “Representative.”
- Say your zip code.
- Confirm the Representative.
- When connected with the office, you can leave a message with the staffer who answers or ask to be connected to the staffer who works on SNAP.
- Sample script: “Hi, my name is [your name], and I’m a constituent. I’m calling because I’m really concerned about the proposed cuts to SNAP. With grocery prices rising and more people struggling to afford food, now is the worst time to cut this program. SNAP helps over 700,000 Virginians and 42 million Americans. I urge [Representative] to protect SNAP and oppose any cuts.“
You can also submit a letter through your legislator’s contact page
Follow the steps below to identify your representative, find their contact page easily, copy and customize our suggested language, and submit.
Step #1 Identify your representative.
If you already know, skip to Step #2.
Find your legislator here: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
Step #2 Copy the text below, then edit the letter once you have pasted it into the legislator’s contact form (Step #3) and before submitting it (Step #5).
[To copy: Select the text below and click CNTL+C or Command + C]. Remember to replace the [bracketed] text with the correct information before clicking the submit button.
Dear [Decision Maker],
“My name is [your name], and I am a constituent. I’m writing to express my deep concern about the proposed cuts to SNAP. With rising grocery prices and increasing hunger in our community and across the country, cutting this vital program is unacceptable. SNAP helps over 700,000 Virginians and 42 million Americans put food on the table. I urge you to oppose any cuts and protect SNAP for those who rely on it.”
Step #3 Select your legislator (click the button to visit their contact page):
U.S. House Members
U.S. Senate Members
Step #4 Paste your letter into the message box of the contact form.
(Here’s a proposed Subject Line: [No Cuts or Attempts to Weaken SNAP])
Step #5 Edit the letter. Replace the [bracketed] text with your information before clicking the submit button.
Step #6 Click the submit button on the form to send the letter to your representative.
Find out more about SNAP
Want to know more about SNAP? Read this article The Ripple Effect: How SNAP Cuts Could Overwhelm Food Banks and Deepen Hunger
Majority of Likely Voters Want Government to do More to Address Food Insecurity. (Read more)
Why lawmakers must improve SNAP. (Read more)
How does SNAP impact Virginians? (Read more)
SNAP strengths. (Read more)