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The Lynchburg Warehouse’s 40th Anniversary Open House (originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 26) has been postponed. Keep an eye on our events page for updates. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone at a later date!

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Where Our Food
Comes From


Food Banks were created to reclaim food that would otherwise go to waste and redistribute it to people in need. That ideal is still at the heart of a significant percentage of the food we obtain and distribute. Thanks to our affiliation with Feeding America, we capture donations of food from large corporations—national supermarket chains and large food manufacturers. Locally, we are supported by manufacturers, grocery stores, farmers, and community food drives.

Purchased Food

Your financial donations enable us to buy food and improve the nutrient profile of our inventory. Outreach programs like Family BackPack and Summer Food Service use predetermined menus. The only way to fill them is by purchasing that food. Programs like the Farm Fresh Fund use a variety of locally-grown vegetables and fruits for distribution. We also continue to expand our Culturally Familiar Food (CFF) initiative.

The Food Bank serves a diverse swath of people, including refugees and immigrants, many of whom have limited or no access to federal public benefits, making them more vulnerable to food insecurity. So, when we prioritize culturally familiar staples, we better meet their nutritional needs and reinforce that family’s dignity.

All in all, the budget impact is about $5 million a year. These purchasing decisions are guided by our Board-approved nutrition policy and aided by the science and technology of our Nourish software. 


The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a Federal program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that distributes federally supplied commodities such as canned and frozen food to eligible households. Eligibility in this program is based on recipient income; distribution is limited to one time per month per family.